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Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of investments may fall as well as rise and you may not get back your original investment. No representation is made that any Investor will or is likely to achieve its objectives, or that any investment strategy, investment process, investment objectives, targeted return, or risk management measures will be achieved or successful or that any Investor will or is likely to achieve results comparable to any shown or will make any profit or will be able to avoid incurring losses. Where an investment involves a foreign currency, it may be subject to fluctuations in value due to movements in exchange rates. These changes to exchange rates may also cause the value of an underlying investment to go down as well as up. The annual management fee is taken from the capital of the Equine Capital Partners and may constrain or erode capital. Any performance information is net of applicable fees unless otherwise noted and reflects reinvestment of income. Performance results may be estimated and are subject to change, finalization and audit and therefore may differ from actual performance.